03/02/97 Om Shanti AVYAKT BapDada Madhuban 06/02/77
Liberation through realisation
Today, BapDada is seeing the result of every Godly student. You have completed the course, the revised course and the realisation course; what is the result of that? Has each one of you realised yourself what stage you will attain according to your study? Do you know which sanskars you have filled yourself with? Are these the sanskars of a royal status or a subject status? Which sanskars would be visible as the sanskars of a royal status, that is, an elevated status? The sanskars of someone with a right and who is respectful, incorporeal and egoless. These aspects of special dharna are the special seat of a royal status. This seat enables you to claim the throne. There should be balance between all four aspects. Is your seat strong and stable or does it continually shake?
Today, BapDada is asking for the results. BapDada gave you homework of the realisation course; what is the result of that? All of you were ready for the final paper, so what did you see in your result? What did you experience your stage to be? Have you become equal to the Father, so that you will be able to return with the Father? If you are not equal to the Father, then instead of going with Him, you will have to go via. You will have to go via because you will not have cleared your accounts. If you have not become refined, you will have to pay a fine, and you will therefore not be able to go with the Father. What promise did you make? That you will go with Baba or that you will wait first and then follow? You ask Baba: Baba, why do you not meet the old children? So Baba also asks the results: Have you become refined? Do you still need to do another course? What else remains after realisation? The form of the final result after realisation is liberation, that is, to be liberated from everything.
Today, BapDada was seeing the difference between the Father and the children. What does the Father say and what do the children do? What result would Baba have seen? It was a very interesting result. Should Baba tell you or do you understand? If you understand something and still keep on doing the same thing, what would you call that? The majority are ordinary effortmakers. What is the main reason for this? Baba says: Become those who are loved by God and loved by the world. But, what do you do instead? You become those who love rest and comfort. “It will happen; who has achieved it yet?; all are continuing in the same way; I am still better than others”. You have many types of “dunlopillows” in the stage of descent and have become those who love rest and comfort. Baba says: Forge a connection and give and take blessings of virtues and powers, but instead, many children do not realise the importance of this connection. They do not know how to forge a connection; instead they know how to make many corrections. Those who continually correct others cannot experience a connection. Baba says: Constantly make the spiritual endeavour of remembrance, but instead of making this endeavour, children become engaged with temporary facilities. Their spiritual endeavour is based on the facilities. The facilities attract them a lot more. Those who are making this kind of spiritual endeavour cannot become successful. Instead of becoming souls who are liberated in life, they become tied in bondage. Do you understand what Baba asks of you and what you do instead? Did you hear the result?
BapDada always looks at the elevated souls with elevated vision. He sees the lines of elevated fortune. These are the souls who are sparkling in front of the world. The world is remembering your complete form and your worshipworthy form of the previous kalpa; therefore, reveal your complete form in a practical way. Apply a fullstop to the weaknesses of the past, for only then will you be able to grant a vision of your complete form. Have determination to finish all the old sanskars and nature with the final sacrifice. Do not copy the weaknesses of others. Destroy the intellect that imbibes defects and develop the satopradhan intellect that imbibes divine virtues. Become one who has a right and is respectful: maintain an accurate balance between the two. Do not spread the weaknesses of others and do not hide your own weaknesses. Do not put yourself first when it comes to success and others forward when there isn’t success. To renounce the desire for prestige, regard and facilities is the greatest renunciation. Become similar to sakar Baba, and become a renunciate of shortlived praise; only then will you able to become one who is greatly fortunate. Shiv Baba wants you to be liberated from all these things. You have been given time to do the course for the final force.
To the ones who have a right to the world; to those who are respected by the world because of giving respect to others; to those who are worthy to be saluted because of their humility; to those who have finished the past; to those who become complete in all virtues; to those who are always equal companions; to the souls with elevated fortune, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting teachers:
You are putting the essence of everything you heard into your practical lives, are you not? Teachers means those who understand the significance of everything and who are essencefull. The specialities of the teachers are:
To condense expansion into its essence in one second. One drop of essence can achieve a lot; in the same way, teachers means those who are essencefull; those who change the expansion of waste into essence in one second and who enable others to do the same.
Just as Baba is the Powerhouse, teachers are substations. Just as there is constant attention and checking in a powerhouse that no fuse has burnt out anywhere, so too, what should the teachers be checking? That you do not become confused in any situation. The slightest fluctuation in a powerhouse can make the current for the whole area fluctuate. So too, the confusion of the teachers can create an impact on the atmosphere and this, in turn, affects those who come to the centres. So teachers should consider themselves to be instruments who can make many others ascend or fluctuate.
Teachers are tireless. You are not those who get tired over little matters, are you? Sometimes, you can get tired with yourself over your own effort. To become disheartened in transforming any sanskar or nature, or to become careless, is also to become tired. “This continues to happen all the time; this will happen anyway” this is also carelessness. “It is very difficult; how far can I continue in the same way?” this is being disheartened. To become careless or disheartened with your effort is to become tired.
Those who have the power to face adverse situations will constantly maintain zeal and enthusiasm; they will not be confused.
Teachers are servers, the same as the Father. So, you are equal to the Father, are you not? One experiences happiness in being equal. Teachers have the happiness that they are master teachers, equal to the Father; that they are instruments equal to the Father. You have the responsibility of bringing benefit to many souls, and so are you equal to the Father? This happiness can make you progress a lot. BapDada is also happy to see the teachers. Those who are equal are known as the friendship group, and so it is a group of friends.
Teachers should constantly create new plans. You have a very good planning intellect or you can also easily become those with a planning intellect. How? If you have a plain intellect at amrit vela, your intellect will be touched by BapDada with plans and you will continue to become those with a planning intellect. When you take support of anything corporeal, you are not able to have a planning intellect. Otherwise, because of having friendship, teachers should have a close relationship and then you can receive a lot of cooperation. When Baba sees that you have taken limited supports, why should He help you?
What is the speciality of teachers? Teachers are inventors, creators and those who have a planning intellect. They are those who inspire many souls to have zeal and enthusiasm. Now let all these specialities emerge and all limited aspects will be merged. Do you understand?
The speciality of a teacher is to be an embodiment of experience. Not just an embodiment of speaking, but an embodiment of experience. Your speaking should be on the basis of your experience. BapDada sees you as complete with all these specialities, and so you have become so great! Continue to interact with all this greatness as your guest. Do not consider the greatness to be your own property. If you consider the greatness to be your own and not the Father’s, there’ll be deficit. It is greatness that you have received from the Father, and so do not remove Him from inbetween. Achcha
Blessing: May you be a holy swan who, with good wishes, transforms anything wasteful and makes it powerful. A holy swan is one who lets go of the negative and imbibes the positive. Do not see whilst seeing, do not hear whilst listening to anything wasteful. Do not listen to negative things, that is, to wasteful words or wasteful matters. Neither perform anything negative nor speak of anything negative. Transform anything wasteful and make it powerful. For this, you need to have good wishes for every soul. With good wishes, anything wrong can be put right. Therefore, no matter what someone is like, continue to give that soul good wishes. Good wishes will turn stone to water and transform anything wasteful, making it powerful.
Slogan: In order to experience supersensuous joy, stabilise yourself in a peaceful stage.
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